Rockin' Monkey

13months 11 days

Guess what.... more snow days...! Katie was up in the night with a temperature and was pretty sad this morning. She had a long snuggle with me, some calpol and a banana and perked up a bit. We popped out for a few essentials but then she went back to bed for an hour and a half.

The Cousins came round after they'd been sledging (good job my 'essentials' had included hot chocolate and biscuits for just such eventuality!) Katie had a really lovely play with them. Since they left, she's been playing beautifullly with Monkey. He has been put on the rocking horse, which she was really proud of, she put him in the cradle chair and pretended to feed him, she gave him toys to play with, and she wandered round giving him big cuddles.

Oh, and she called the police. I have no idea how as I don't even know how to do a direct emergency call to the police, without going through 999 but she did. I spoke to someone and said that we were ok, apologised, they were very nice, I moved the phone. Two minutes later, it rang and it was another person from the police to check we really were ok. All very kind and understanding. But phone moved out of Katies reach again!

Late afternoon, she asked for milk, so cuddled up. And fell asleep on me. She woke up a little sad. I didn't want her to have calpol then as it was too close to bedtime, so she wouldn't have made it through the night on it. I realised we had fewer nappies than I thought so we bundled up and headed for Tesco, and a change of scene. En route we discovered the play cafe had reopened and some of our friends were in it, so we stopped for a coffee (and some yummy tiffin) but Katie didn't want to play, although she had ltos of smiles for everyone. She flaked out for bed very early- 5.45 - so I'm hoping we still get a reasonable night.

Tomorrow has been confirmed as a snow day. Another snow day.

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