
By Ubernoob

Sweet Sounds

Grrrrr I hate grocery shopping....I invariably get the trolley with the wonkey wheel, get stuck behind super slow shoppers who block the aisle with their trolleys while they decide (painfully slowly) what is the best priced item (when there is no more than 2 cents difference), choose the checkout line that is shortest...but moves slower than a glacier in an ice age and always but always end up with something noxious like disinfectant or dish detergent leaking and tainting all the veges! @##$%^&$%%!!!

So after my fornightly foray into grocery hell I stopped off to see a muso friend of mine to take pics of his guitars!

We decided this one looked best in camera...mainly due to the cool reflection of his little red ukelele on the body...there were several others I really liked and I considered doing a triple...but no....This is it!

And yes he can make very sweet sounds on these strings!

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