L's world

By Lal


Number 3, and was asked down to help my aunt set up her wii shed got at the weekend. Sure I said, not thinking anything of it til I went out and was met with a knee deep mound of snow wherever I went. First on the agenda was to check the car which thankfully started first time after last nights minor setback my lil car gas sprung back to life. Once I'd trudged my way down to my aunts, I got handed a bowl of home made soup (mmm) then into setting up the wii, easy as it was the hardest bit was finding the tv channel it was set to, then it started...my cousin walked it just as undoing which called for a game of bowling before we headed out to clear the drive for my uncle getting home.

All cleared and safe for him to get the car on to then go into something we'd talked about since the first snowfall, building an igloo! How hard could it be? Wed checked it out online, read various guides, all sounded pretty easy to follow, seemed the hardest bit is going to be the roof and how to get the best fit without it all caving in on us. So we set to it brick building on the go, production lines working and an hour or so later we had one layer of bricks set up and packed in ready for layer 2. By this point it was rather dark and the iciest coldest wind was picking up, so off for some dinner and a warm cosy fire in prep to finish it off tomorrow...

Be safe out there if you have to go out in it!

L x

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