Gable Erratic

By MsGable


What a wonderful lot you are! I am totally overwhelmed at the lovely kind comments from my yesterday's pathetic blip when I was feeling decidedly under par. Thank you. Thank you so much.

I'm back in the land of ..... well, we won't go into that; but my mini-breakdown has been healed, by the hands of Blip-people and of course, "Hell".

In comparison, today has been most eventful. We started with a lot of skidding and a car in danger of communing with the town's recycling bins. This then led to an altercation with a gentleman who turned out to be the town Mayor. Whoops. Hopefully the event will not be recorded in the local rag.

I then had a hard job transferring money from one account in my bank to another account in the same bank; all because I had inadvertently paid a bill yesterday, with today's date on the cheque.

Now, I know I'm an old dog, but when I worked at a Well-known High Street bank (for £10 a week) we checked the dates on the cheques. And if they were post-dated they were not accepted.

Greed! Pure greed nowadays. Give me a cheque and we'll cash it. I could now be stumped for a £20 charge for cashing a post-dated cheque. What's worse is that it was G's cheque/transaction; he who had given me the responsibility of taking it to the bank on the correct day. I will fight it, they can sue me! this week is turning into a battlefield!

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