Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Sunrise in the Snow

Woke up to find even more snow had fallen and the world was deathly still. Young Master J's school was closed, public transport, non existent and more snow forecast for the day. So another day working from home for me, safe and warm.

So another snowy shot - the reason being, thats all there is out there at the moment. Everything is totally covered in a thick blanket of white. This was taken this morning just as one flurry passed over the sun managed to peek out from the clouds before the next wave of snow breezed on through. It was that or the dog in the snow, which was I have to say, quite cute, but I have spared you for today :)

More snow is predicted for tomorrow, so unless I get ambitious or inspired pound to a penny it will be another snow shot (or dog shot!!!) YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :)

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