Me by the Sea

By robindbythesea

...and today it snows

Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality.
Andy Goldsworthy

And so The Snow Queen also became a story about the need to seek equilibrium, in our own lives, with the natural world, even within the universe at large.
Joan D. Vinge

We have been watching from the warmth and protection of the Sussex Coast as the rest of the country struggles with the snow. It has taken on a life of its own and seems disinclined to move on anytime soon.

Today it is our turn. We awoke to a lovely white winter wonderland. Easy to think of it in terms of visual poetry as long as you have nowhere you need to be. The airports are closed while the roads are extremely hazardous. Or so I am told, as I have yet to go any further than my front door. This was taken from my front door.

In addition to waking to snow, we also woke to colds and sore throats so a lot of tea is being drunk.

The snow
reminds me of Christmas
Reminds me of racing across
cold wooden floors
flannel nightgown
flapping around my ankles
Warmth given barely a thought
While listening for the
sound of sleigh bells.

I will drink hot tea
Think about presents
I have yet to buy
And cards I have yet to send
And wish Santa came for me.

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