Clark Tales

By cclark

100 on 01.12.10

Wow my first blip birthday! 100 so proud I made it!

Due to the wonderful snow days I have had I had plenty of time to plan this blip! The thanks mainly goes to my flatmate Jamie. I explained to him that I wanted to signify not only my blip day but the date is also the first day of advent and I decided to celebrate World Aids Day too. It helps that red is my fave colour.

So born was the idea that 4 advent calendar's ADDING up to 100 and luckily for us none of the chocolate will go to waste in our 4 bedroom flat. (even if one is a contingency calander in case Jamie attacks the a whole one in one day lol.)

I did have trouble choosing here's the alternative- but the colour accent doesn't work as well as the bright colours against the snow!

Snow day #3 is going well, gonna wrap my xmas presents with the Xmas channel on Sky which started today - yay!

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