a day in the life of Jack

By jacksmom726

The elusive one

While making breakfast for Jack, I could hear the distinct sound of a cardinal closeby. I grabbed my camera, looked out of a few windows and spotted two beautitul red male cardinals on the ground eating the seeds that had fallen from the bird feeders I have out. I started taking a few shots out of the window at these pretty guys when something caught my eye.

I glanced at one of the tube feeders that was only about 3 feet from the window and there he was. The elusive red bellied woodpecker that I have been dying to photograph! He was just three feet in front of me at eye level. I slowly moved the camera up towards him.....

......and he was gone!

I searched all of the trees nearby and spotted him very high up in one of the pine trees. Pretty far away to get a great shot, but I took a few photos just in case.

So here he is, not the clearest photo and unfortunately the sky is grey today unlike yesterdays crisp blue sky. But I got him!!

***Doing the happy dance**** (join in if you'd like!)

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