Sammy and his Shadow

Thats all he has now. Pee Wee passed away during the night. Every morning I have my morning coffee on the back porch and open the cage for them to have another adventure and this morning was no different except that Sammy was the only one to come out. I sat there a few minutes wondering if they both were in there last night, knowing that they were but it just wasn't making any sense. So I went over to the cage , looking all around on the bottom and then I looked into their bed and there was Pee Wee. I am absolutely puzzled on what could have happened but I'll never know. I took him out and gave him a proper burial. There were no marks and nothing that looked different.

When I first got him I felt that there was something different about him, the way he looked and the way he acted. Maybe there had been more to it . Regardless its a tough thing to deal with and watching Sammy today was tough too. I know he was missing his buddy and everytime I went out he was on me. So for now all Sammy has is his shadow and me. This will either make him leave sooner or stay longer.

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