
By middleman


A day of opportunites, everyone off - schools,nurseries, playgroups closed and work out-of-Edinburgh a complete non-starter.

So, after of morning of trudging around in the snow doing some errands we got in some more snow action with continued igloo-building.

Followed by the chance for a rare Monday double of a decent swim and solo cinema trip for a matinee treat at the Cameo, this film I'd heard about on a podcast a few weeks ago and have been waiting to check out, Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow, a fascinating portrait about German artist Anselm Kiefer (who'd I never heard of before) and this old silk factory in the south of France where he and his team of assistants produce some pretty monumental works. Really reminded me of this documentary Sleep Furiously I saw a couple of years ago about a rural community in Wales in terms of its attention to detail and slow-pacing. Not to everyone's taste perhaps, but I felt I'd seen several moments of real beauty and wonder in there.

On the listening front, I've been accompanying my various trudges today with the fantastic Tradi Mods Vs Rockers album again and some really, well what I would term anyway, dense ambient tracks from the Black Sea album by Fennesz, particularly 'Glide' which sounds utterly immense on decent headphones. Decent headphones that I don't actually possess these days I might add, but it still sounded more than good enough on the beautiful snowlit canal walk home.

*looks out of kitchen window*

Igloo now collapsed, schools off tomorrow again, more construction required.

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