Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok


Some say it's dark, some say it's cold.
Some say it's winter, and commute just like before.


Today morning when woke up the thermometer showed -24 degrees and had to stop using jeans and take shell pants in to use with some fleece as a middle layer while biking to work. Took U to the daycare with his sled and then started my way to work. The bike felt already a bit frozen and heavy, When arrived to the parking place of the company I work for and noticed that my bike was the only one there.

Usually this happens only below -30 degrees I thought and checked the time and noticed that I was 10 mins earlier than usually. And it was Monday ;) When leaving office there were luckily some bikes there, so I'm not the only commuter even the real winter has started early this year. I just wish it would snow a bit more so the scenery would also look better..

Backblipped also Day at the firestation and David vs. Goliath.

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