
By Viewpoint

Fly agave!

This was a bit of a last minute blip as the light was going. I did take lots of photos this morning at my grandsons dance rehearsal at the theatre in Gosford. Some of the young dancers were fantastic and it was a very enjoyable morning. The rest of the day has been spent doing last minute winding up things, like framing a print to leave behind and sorting out sets of photographs of the children plus the inevitable re-packing.

This was one of a series of last of the evening light photographs and rather a last minute affair. I debated whether it would be a photo of a collection of dead bugs that my grandson has been bringing in but decided against in the end.

We leave here in the morning to spend one night in Sydney before we fly home. I'm not sure whether I'll have an internet connection tomorrow or when we are travelling so will need to do some catching up when we get back to the UK.

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