
By shy


Things have been just a little manic lately.
Flick was recovering nicely from her ear infection by Saturday - she had posted on blip and was able to do some commenting. Then it happened. The Saturday trip to Leicester for soem birthday shopping took more of a toll than was expected on Flick. Although she was wrapped up warm, the bitterly cold wind was whistling up the high street all afternoon, and by the next day, she was feeling a lot worse. It has now developed into flu - the sort where you feell so bad that even winning the lottery wouldn't cheer you up. She's taken to the sofa until it all blows over and after that she may get back to blipping.
Things are falling apart around us too - our youngest daughter Emily has been ill for three weeks, and we finally managed to persuade her to go in for a blood test (she faints at the sight of needles), whereas Abigail is back in hospital with pregnancy complications. Henry is also ill - possibly with glandular fever.
I'm pleased to say that the boys and me seem alright at the moment ...

The problem now is that Christmas is fast approaching (why didn't anybody tell me?) and nothing has been sorted yet. This always seems to end up as Flick's job, but I think that I may have to take over all the Christmas arrangements myself..
....are we in the shite or what?

PS Flick says thank you for your e-mails and messages of concern. She will be back in contact when she's better.

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