Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Blip Journals #28 Up North

I had meant to stop this series of Journal Names yesterday with my own signature, but what was meant to tide me over an in-betweenish sort of time of year has become addictive. I mean, I haven't even done Red, 42 or Magpie! (Where have all the magpies gone?)

So this morning, a funny sort of morning, a lot of potential but with more overnight snow I didn't want to take the car out. I wandered through the village and took a few shots in the mist.

When I looked at Carwij's journal I found that she, too, has been having mist where she lives in the Netherlands. Sometimes it's great to see contrasting climates in blips around the world but othertimes it's reassuring to find conditions are similar to what we're experiencing up north in England!

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