Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

We have the technology......

If I had thought about it, I would have loaded this before 5, and made it my "Christmas Hell".
I like to record backing tracks for performances on the Mac, using Logic software. Then I transfer them to Minidisk, or multitrack them and then burn to CD. This takes a lot of time. In fact, when I did the tracks for "Bugsy Malone", I worked out that it takes about one hour to do one minute of music.

I haven't been stupid, however. I have kept copies from previous concerts, and I do a certain amount of repeat performances, especially at Christmas. I mean - what would Christmas be without a rousing chorus of "White Christmas"? I forget every year that it takes time to get things together in the right order, adding new numbers as and when.

So, here I sat at my recording station at various times this week, and will do so again tomorrow.

Christmas has stampeded towards me this year - to be honest, it does every year. The adult choir is singing at Inverewe Gardens on Saturday, and the kids concert is next Friday.

Next year, I will start rehearsing and recording in July.


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