
By Pix

berries again


Yesterday I drove up to Redmires reservoir and ran up to Stanage Pole. It was beautiful in the snow, though far too cold even without any wind chill. Maybe didn't have enough clothes on, or not running fast enough, or stopped too long for photos! So I made a hasty retreat back to the car (and took more photos). Some better than yesterday's blip. Here they are

This morning I took a wide range of photos, and struggled to choose. Tis funny, on looking at them I found I was thinking "Blipper A would like this one" "Blipper B would like that one" "that is in the style of Blipper C" etc.

Oh, well. This one is in the style of Noodle-experimenting-with-layers-in-Fireworks-and-tones-in-lightroom. Just a bit of craftmanship really.

Please have a look at the others from a mis-spent sunday morning - I really like 'em

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