
By dark


Christmas? Hell!

Why, I keep asking myself, am I having so much trouble taking a Christmas decoration photo that I ultimately like? I take a few during the day, but when I get back home and start sorting, they're always the first to go.

"Look at that," I inevitably think to myself. "A Christmas decoration. Blech."

I'll no doubt keep trying until they're gone, but for the assignment, this photo will have to serve (there are some decorations down there, if you look closely).

As for the "hell" part of the "Christmas Hell" assignment - aside from the hellish difficulty I seem to have even taking a Christmas photo - there's also the fact that for a fat man delivering presents via flying reindeer (and preferably to the correct recipients), a jumbled-up, mashed-together, crowded-as-"hell" cityscape such as this would have to be the epitome of, well, hell.


You may have already seen this, but it's worth seeing again

Another beautiful shot

And a third....

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