Spot the dog...
Really it's Bill the dog, but I liked the way he almost disappeared into the snow on our walk this afternoon. This pic appealed out of the fifty I took because it's a little hard to see where the snow stops and the dog starts...
We went up to Craighouse and watched dozens of children playing on their sledges - I imagine the snow was pristine for a short while today anyway...
Nothing much to do today - some washings maybe and now that the walk is completed, the rest of the day to snooze and maybe listen to the footie on the radio. Sometimes it's just nice to have a quiet time.
PS. Didn't appreciate being wakened at 08.30 this morning by a text from my pal Alex telling me it had snowed overnight. Alex - I have served my time with young children! Mine are teenagers now, and these are the long lies I thought I'd never see again! Grrrr.
PPS. Very nearly used thiswinter rose or this one delicate balance
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