Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Each day they are getting just a little earlier - almost to the point now where you have your lunch and pow! its time for the sun to go down!

Another day in the office. What can I say. Positives - nice seedy sausage roll at 10:30 and a good bit of banter vis a vis the Christmas party. One of the team has offered to make bellinis - that has to be a positive! And my afternoon client was lovely - almost booked a massage with her, then I remembered that line in my contract about conflict of interest :)

Weekend to look forward to - we have had a little more snow and more forecast (sorry to mention it AGAIN Eternal :) I hope it holds off from shedding its load till tomorrow night. I have a spot of Christmas shopping to attend to for young master J. That and some random cleaning, walking and snapping should see us through the day :)

Have a cold but lovely weekend :D

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