With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

When you smile for the camera, I love you better

That's what they say. Suc seems happy enough by the fire. I love it now I don't need more firelighters, I can start the next one up on the embers of yesterday's.

So it's Friday, and this should have been a portrait of Rocky, the man. Didn't need the van. Got the eyes though. Thanks mate, you're a star!

Orisit is safely in with all boxes. What a great space they've got to live in now. Can't wait to invade it a bit.

An interesting and busy day. There were some temporary goodbyes to a few friends and the odd hello to some very interesting ideas. I'm getting quite excited about the fact that my brain does seem to be functioning relatively normally. Well, for a 15 year old. Off for a dance in front of the bathroom mirror.

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