fore 3 2 1

By nick0451

Take your best guess.

I guess i've been around here long enough to just kind of know what most things around town are. But if i take a good look around and try to remember what it was like when i first got here... i see there are a lot of things that would be strange to a visitor. I think this would be one of them.
I'm guessing most people who are looking at this site cannot read Chinese characters. If you can please don't guess.... yet. Let some other people try first. It just wouldn't be fair. I'm curious to see what kind of things people think this could be.....

Please guess what you think this possibly could be.... If you want to know really badly you can always try translating the characters... or just wait until tomorrow when i'll post the answer in the comments.

Oh.. Ausmossie and through a lens please don't tell everyone..

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