Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Mother Comfort's Birds

Thanksgiving Day 2010
Pancakes on the grill~Macy's Parade on TV
Mother Comfort nodding off on the couch~birds at the feeder

I've tried, really I have, but with no zoom on my little 3.0 mega pixel cell phone camera, I haven't been able to get close enough to capture a bird. But today, the thought occurs to me to stand 1 foot away from the feeder, prepare the camera and freeze with it aimed and ready. It wasn't long before the birds of habit wanted to access their feeder and started diving past me. They did touch and go's for about 15 minutes before they started sitting long enough to get a bite. It was fun, but not sure I'd do it again unless the sun were at a different angle. Anyone know what this bird is?

It was a lovely day, snow is all gone, except the pile in our yard that would have been a snowman if it hadn't have fallen over. We have so SO much to be thankful for!
We saw the marching band from Grants Pass Oregon in the Macy's Parade. That was the highlight of the parade for me!

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