Snowy day in Gateshead

The train journey down was beautiful - fierce but short snow storms alternating with dazzling sunlight. However, none of the photos conveyed this to my satisfaction. Walking back past the Sage centre in the late afternoon I saw this huge heap of snow, which had presumably slid (or been shoved) off the roof. It was at the foot of one of the sloping supports which are nicely depicted here.

There were dire warnings about the weather but the train was only about half an hour late getting back in the end. At the point when it should have arrived in Newcastle it was a pleasant diversion to have a brief sight of a proper steam train which thundered through with satisfying quantities of smoke and steam issuing and a cheery hoot to the folk waiting on the platform. I think it was a Mallard and it had a big name plate saying Sir Nigel Gresley on the side. Couldn't get me camera out fast enough, though - woollen gloves are very necessary in the perishing cold but a considerable obstacle to high speed blippage!

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