Settling Down

By sloeginlin

This Old Barn

Have wandered about the farm today and not really felt at one with anything wonderful to blip.

I wanted to put a picture of my favourite tree! How daft is that I thought. Who would want to look at a tree from a distance. It has become my favourite since I first read "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Then I saw the movie (yes I went to the cinema for the first time since Titanic)! The book was better than the film, it often is.

I loved the book, indeed I love any book, the heavy ones are best, but sometimes a little lighter just to bring the mood up.

I have put a picture of one of the dilapidated barns. It sought of clicked with how I feel I suppose.

Do you know that once, quite a few years ago, when I was very depressed, I walked around all the outhouses and barns looking for a strong beam!! I cant actually remember why I didnt do the deed. I think it was when I ended up in a psychiatric ward. Trouble was the only bed available was in Kings Lynn Hospital.

It is strange that people say how selfish we are when we get depressed, but you dont decide to get depressed. It happens BANG and you dont have any control.

Anyway, maybe that is why a lot of my blips seem to be of the barns, I have an affinity with them.

Wow, you did well to get through that lot.

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