Toadally Mad

By toadally

Wednesday Walk

Today we headed down the footpath behind the Craiglockhart Tennis Centre and alongside the duckpond. No bread today so we just looked at the swan family and noticed that the water level was much higher than it was two weeks ago. Then we headed up through the woods and circled back through Craighouse Campus (in today's shot, showing the Old Craig building). You can see that there is a slope and I am trailing at the back as usual. Taking a photo is a good excuse to stop for a breather!

Craighouse was formerly taken over by the 'Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum' in the 1880's but this building, built in the 1500s, was originally a private house / mansion. My University took over the entire site in the 1990s but is now seeking a buyer.

Tonight Dazed came over for dinner and the three of us watched 'Julie & Julia' which Dazed bught me for Mothers' Day way back in March - we enjoyed it very much and didn't even feel hungry as we'd had a big dinner.

By the way, I went to see a BAFTA preview of 'The King's Speech' on Monday evening with my pal W. Excellent film, I hope it gets lots of Oscars as it certainly deserves them.

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