Fallen petals

It is a day of sorrow. The trapped miners won't be coming home. This afternoon there was another massive explosion which no one could survive. It is now the Pike River Mine Disaster.

I don't pretend for a moment to understand the pain the families feel or the tight knit communities on the West Coast. In a country of 4 million people we feel the loss of 29 men deeply. How much more do the families, friends and West Coast feel it. I imagine the per capita equivalent would be like 200 - 300 people dying in my city, Christchurch (approx 300,000 people).

We all have relatives and friends on 'the coast'; mates and colleagues born there with mining tales to tell from their Grandfathers, Dads, brothers and uncles. As a country we've hoped and prayed since Friday for a different outcome. My friend who has been at the mine site for several days, ready to go down if a rescue was possible is safe but oh so very sad.

No commenting tonight. It is a time to be still and silent, to remember those whose tears fall like petals tonight.

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