The Old Man of Coniston
A quick blip tonight before going out for the evening. I haven't had the chance to sort through all the photos I took, so am loading this one up and hoping for the best.
I went for a big Lake District Walk today, parking at Tilberthwaite, climbing up to Wetherlam, then on to Swirl Howe and along the ridge to the Old Man of Coniston. Then back down towards Coniston and a low level walk back to the car.
When I first moved to Cumbria nearly twenty years ago, I used to try and fit in a Peak a Week, going walking every weekend. Since living in Arnside, I don't often venture into the Lake District: laziness, getting older, contentment maybe or a combination of these.
It was a fantastic day for a mountain walk today, glorious blue skies for much of it....and I'm fitter than I thought. I will try and post some more pictures on Flickr later. Will catch up with comments later this evening or tomorrow.
Thank you for the comments and favourites for yesterday's blip.
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