
By Chook

Champagne Taps and Uganda Nodding Disease

Interesting conversation at work today.
'Congratulations on your wedding. Hope the weekend goes well. Can't make the department afternoon tea tomorrow as I'm not at work. But, I have contributed to your surprise wedding present!'
Were you supposed to tell me that??

Have folded clothes like a maniac tonight.
Cleared the clothes king on the bedroom floor.
Left only with the sock king - pictured - which I'm not even going to try and tackle.
J has so many pairs of black socks, none of which seem to belong to another...
Still, not as many socks as pairs of knicks.
Lost count after 15 different cycling outfits.
None of which are easy to fold up.
And, unless you sandwich them in between other clothes in a pile, they unfold themselves.
Hence the heterogenous piles, J*.
Let it be known that I am the superior clothes folder**.
So there.

Three more sleeps...

*Which I was given a heap of shit about...
**And clearly the inferior cook. Dinner was delicious.

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