From the North

By Tawastian

School reality pt. 1 - the current state

When I'm wandering through the corridors of my school, I am to see and hear lots of things happening in there. Well, because we have the middle school in the same building, I'm not to understand most of the middle schoolers' discussions since they're just too "strange" to understand - that's because it's been over 1,5 years since I was a middle schooler and lots of things have changed since then. Language, teenage terms and that kind of stuff changes all the time amongst the teens and they're not the same in the high school. Middle school and high school are two such different worlds.

Well, back to the matter at hand. When I'm doing my journey through the school I just can't be wondering what's going on. For example, when I see a boy from the 8th grade punching another one without any sense. Or when I see a group of girls from the 7th grade laughing at a quiet girl of their age. Or when a 9th-grader gathers her friends and starts to bully and blame one about anything. That's terrible. I can't understand what's the point to act like that. Is it really that some people don't understand what they're doing? No, I don't think so because there are some such intelligent ones behaving like that and they know what's going on. Still they continue the way they've chosen.

But there are no real reasons to hurt other people - never. To be honest, we high schoolers aren't better. We do spread malice like younger students but we do it in a more sophisticated way. We do it by talking rubbish about somebody and spreading untrue rumours which are "truths" because an unknwon "cool" guy told them. We never name our "trustworthy" sources. We never regret our behaviour. We just want to find the easiest ways to make our own lives better - by breaking an another one. That's cruel.

It's a public secret that we have huge problems in our schools. They say people are just thoughtless and don't think about their action. I don't think that's the whole truth. It's known that there's such a big social pain to be cool, to be strong, to be something more but still to be a part of the society. When there's pain and uncertainty, the result will be destructive and it'll create a sick society of depression problems and broken self-esteems. That's no good.

Back in time I had a friend who was the kindest and warmest person I had ever known. I valued her as a friend more than I had nobody else before this and any time. But then there was a dividing shadow; I wasn't able to accept the nagging and other verbal violation she did for a girl who had "deserved" it. We separated and don't each other anymore.

I don't know how long we can stay this way or what should be done with this problem. It affects nearly every student everyday and at its worst the results can be very fatal when the spiral goes on.

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