Blip Journals # 22 CanCarrier
CanCarrier: someone who takes the blame for something even if they didn't do it or are only partly at fault. Please take full responsibility, CanCarrier, for all those excellent light paintings you've been doing lately! That's something I have never tried, wouldn't know where to begin! A torch maybe, now where will I find ...
With these dark nights I really must get my torch found. With all the fancy openning of car doors and turning on interior lighting at the press of a button on a key, how come no-one has thought of putting a little light that also illuminates the ignition? I always have to wait outside the car and bend down to try and line my key up with the slot.
Maybe I just need a posh car!
And another thing about lights! How many times have I been told to check a set of fairy lights before putting them on the Christmas tree? Of course that doesn't apply if it's a shop window and not a tree! It's then, after hanging 20 crystal light catchers from the lighting set that I discovered that half the bulbs had failed while in storage!
No can-carrying for that I KNOW it was MY fault!
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