Arctic-Mummy's Journal

By arcticmummy


Still catching up after a brilliant weekend.... and paying the price for it!

Got dressed up for my Black Tie Auction bash on Friday night (including the heels). After much socialising and a bit of dancing, discarded the shoes .... big mistake; I some how did my calf a mischief. Saw the Physio today (I can't afford to be out of action), he has started to fix the immediate problem, and to rectify the cause I now how 18mm heel inserts & will have to wear orthotics to correct a foot imbalance, Colin did tell me the proper term, but all a little technical!

So I have some daily stretches to do, and the only games I am off is running (which is no great hardship, as I don't run!!)

This is a photo of the last bit of colour in my garden, which is in dire need of sorting out & putting to bed for the winter. It is a lovely Nerine

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