Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

Ohh the conflict

As a PC user for many many years, the last 3 months have been kinda difficult for me. Having been dead against Apple and its products for years, being around them on a regular basis has shown me some of the PC's major short comings. Could I ever get rid of my big beige box for a shiney iMac? While doubtfull, I cant help but admit how stylish Apple's products are (esp after a visit to their new Glasgow Store).

Tia and I used my last day off to get pretty much all of our christmas shopping done well in Advance. I've now purchased gifts for pretty much everyone I was going to, allowing me to enjoy the christmas buildup with none of the "x number of days to go" anxiety.

Plus, it is also a great excuse to visit Itchiban.

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