
By FauxPunk

Singin' boi

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I was playing about with focus & depth of field. Took a few shots of the nibbles packet with Mathew out of focus in the background, and a few of Mathew with the nibbles out of focus in the fore-ground. I didn't know he was going to sing, he didn't know I was going to snap! We both love it!

It's still frustratingly busy at work, but I got some stuff done. Also had some more wrangling with a financial service company in my lunch break, all seems to be getting sorted though. Mathew got my car serviced, and is getting the tyres replaced tomorrow. Wing mirror should also be fixed this week, but it's looking effing pricey! God damn vandals :(

still, all in all a good day. Just about to wrap it up with the nibbles and Harry Potter Year 3 :-D

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