Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

Back in the days..

..everything was better, even the discount prices in the groceries getting old.

Have some friends that always buy the most fresh groceries available. I think also the same when it comes to fruits, vegetables etc but otherwise have always thought that buying these discounted ones when "best before" timeline suites me is a wise act of good will where everyone wins. I get the discount, store sells the product (I guess they are still getting some profit out of it) and the product is not going to get to the garbage. More effective and ecological in a way you know?

Still remember the time, which in fact was not so long ago, when the discount for these products was -50%. When times got harder the stores raised this to -30%. I don't know are they plain greedy or is there some EU conspiracy behind this.

Anyway, back in the days..

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