13months 1day
Yesterday's 13 Month Review
When Katie woke up coughing and a bit snotty still, I took the decision we shouldn't go swimming today, so instead we met some of the mums at the play cafe. She played for a little bit, but then came and lay on me for a really big snuggle. She seemed to get really tired but as soon as we got home, she perked up and had a play for an hour.
However, my decision to not swim proved sensible. Bless her, she made it very clear at midday (swimming time normally!) that her little tummy still wasn't too good. It wouldn't have been pleasant for other swimmers! She went down for her nap and woke to find granny and grandad had appeared.
G&G had a good play with her, and got to see how much she now loves playing ball. Granny is quite excited at the idea of Uncle Fantastic getting to see this soon, especially as Katie gets so excited playing ball that she flaps her arms, which is one of his favourite of her quirks.
Shortly after they left, Katie started pointing at various food items, so had an afternoon snack. Then come teatime, she ate one of the best teas she's had in a long time, has had a really happy bedtime and is now snuggled down. So fingers crossed, we may be turning a corner!
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