Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

this is how I roll...

Today I popped in to check on Amelie whilst she was napping and this is how I found her. All I could hear was a little snore and she seemed to peaceful to move her!

We have had a good day of cleaning and moving things in the flat around (always fun). Amelie was really good all day despite seeming to have a little bit of a cold She was so upset when we brought out the hoover though - immediately clinging onto me and burying her face in my jumper. Chris took her close to it whilst it wasn't on to let her see it was okay but she stayed clamped to him, not smiling, the whole time.

(The cold got worse towards bedtime and she ended up in beside us at half past nine. Thats got to be a record. I wasn't even in bed but decided to go early so that I could settle her. Looks like my 'sleep in your own bed training' has been delayed yet again...)

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