Another Day

By pcc

The Port Hills

Decided this afternoon to take Amber, our Tibetan Spaniel to the vet, as she has had sore eyes. I had taken her a couple of months ago, but they put it down to pollen and central heating. Well they had not got any better, and I had been putting drops in her eyes. In the morning she would wake up and not be able to open her eyes. The crux of the matter is that she has ' dry eye' , and also a small ulcer on the cornea. So I have two lots of drops to put in twice a day, and also the Refresh drops about 6 times a day. Poor wee thing, she is such a wriggler that it is quite a job to do this, but I will and hope that this all helps.
Tonight was a meeting re photography, and this is the beautiful view we have from our Presidents house looking at the Port Hills.(Christchurch) Castle Rock in the top left corner , had a large piece of rock come off it during the earthquake. Heathcote Valley is at the base of it. The sun is on its way down, and I was hoping that we would get a dramatic sky, but it was not to be.

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