Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Manic Monday

After a long vacation of 9 days, I did not feel like coming to work this morning. I still managed to drag myself to work and move past most of the day.

I caught these two busy discussing something. It seems that they are working on an assignment.

It is now quite cold, the clouds have covered the sun completely, its a gray day and so is the mood, blue and mellow ... I am craving for a nice hot frothy cup of coffee, but there is no water coming in the building and alas! I cannot make some ...

Have a great Monday everyone ...

Update (7:15 PM): Had a very busy day. It was a drag due to the fact that I still have a sore throat, otherwise a good day. I was standing in the balcony outside my office on the 2nd floor when I spotted these two pigeons. I immediately ran to my office, grabbed my camera and ran to the third floor from where they were closer to shoot. Took about 5 pictures out of which this one is the best. I was tempted to change my blip, but then decided against it.

I like these two as well:

pigeon 1
pigeon 2 (slightly blurred, but its ok)

Update (10:30 PM): Today my blip entry has become a real journal :) I had intended to sleep early but cannot owing to a bad migraine which started in the evening and is continuing to bother me. I went to see the puppies in the room at the back of the house. They are all doing well, its quite cozy there. When I was coming out of there, I just looked at the sky and what I saw was simply beautiful. The moon was playing hide & seek with the clouds. I ran inside to get the camera and took atleast 20 pictures. This one came out the best while in the others my hand was shaking. The picture did not come out as good as the actual scene that my eyes saw. I am waiting for my DSLR to come. Shooting a good moon picture is on my agenda for then. I think I must try to go to sleep.

Good night from Lahore everyone!!

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