Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Whilst innocently listening to the radio tonight, I discovered that next year will mark 20 years since Screamadelica was released.

So it's been over 20 years since I heard these famous opening words. Here was a tune that (for me, anyway) totally validated, nay, positively encouraged me in my desire to do nothing else, but having a bloody good time. And after that...well, I must admit I stuck pretty true to my goals and excelled 100% in my ambition of...having a good time!

I have most definitely achieved that in the last 20 years. I couldn't have done it alone though. Oh no no. It was that song that got me into dance music and it was getting into dance music that got me into moving to Edinburgh and it was moving to Edinburgh that got me into going to Pure, and it was going to Pure that got me into every single nook and cranny of my life now. It got me a huge amoung of my friends (even those that I didn't know at Pure, I am friends with them through a lineage of going to Pure and that is damn cool if you ask me). It is what got me my husband, my home, my child. It is what got me my taste in music, my taste in clothes, my taste (definitely) in trainers.

I'm sure everybody can follow threads like this from now right back to a certain tune or album - Screamadelica is not alone for being responsible for huge parts of my life, but it is definitely up there. I love how it's possible to trace your life back the way to a defining moment in time. A piece of your own history - sometimes you don't even realise the importance of it until 20 years have gone down.

I'd be interested to hear about your defining musical moments....if you have an actual real moment to spare that is!

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