Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

All change...

This lovely building is Crosthwaite House...and it will be our home by the end of this coming week. *titters in disbelief and thinks about a glass of wine*

Sam's parents are retiring from running the Guest House business and moving across the yard to a being-renovated cottage and we're moving in to take over. All Change indeed.

It's very exciting and a bit scary too. Sam will give up his sensible-well-paid-engineering job early next year...I love my job and can't bear to give it up so will be going down to 2 days a week. We both grew up in Crosthwaite and Lyth (with Sam in this house of course) so it will be lovely to be back again. BUT we will miss our house in Kendal so much - the lovely neighbours and being able to potter into town..

Actually, the real reason for moving is that I've blipped everything in this house and need some new subject matter ;)

Ahhh there'll be so much more room for studio equipment, and residential photography classes (NOT run by me I hasten to add!) and as it happens our extra borrowing for building work was cunnningly rounded up by oooo around about the price of a 5D *winks*

So...when we open for business next spring perhaps we should be getting a Cumbrian blip-meet on the cards...I am sure we can negotiate special blip rates for blip b+b!

PS That's milo in the porch looking teeny and like he is texting someone - actually he is talking to a lego man
PPS The PSs are addictive aren't they Horrigans?

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