Dr Jones

By jones

Bedtime reading

It was really cold this morning. My son has not yet started wearing his winter coat to school. Today, he had a trip to the natural history museum and was allowed to wear his own clothes. I made him wear his warm coat.
Hubby picked up my youngest daughter and took her to see her sister playing footy at another school. When the three of them got home, they found my son standing outside in the freezing cold and he'd been there for 45 minutes. Because he'd not worn his uniform this morning he didn't have his keys ( they live in the pocket of his school blazer).
When I got home he said that he wasn't well at all and that standing in the cold had made him feel worse. When I questioned him about his warm, winter coat he said that he didn't have it on. I asked him why he hadn't worn it to school like I told him to. He said that he'd taken it to school. I then asked him why he was so cold when he was standing outside. He said that he wasn't wearing his coat. His coat was in his bag which was on his shoulders. This boy has no common sense !

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