Brave Pippa...
This afternoon, Abbie and Pippa participated in their first ever swimming contest. It was mostly Pippa who wanted to race and Abbie gladly followed in her foot steps.
However, 5 mins before Pippa's start she totally panicked, seeing referees, other swim clubs, loud music and Mrs Speaker. But mostly seeing lots of audience, she really wanted to run to the first exit. She completely lost her confidence.
Thankfully, I was close and so was one of her favorite coaches. Together we managed to convince Pippa that she would be able to race and that for us she didn't need to win. Just racing would be great in it self.
Pippa plucked up all her courage and here you see her standing ready for her race in lane 4. She actually started well, swam well and generally had a great race. But I think the greatest victory was that she did get on the block and started.
.... so proud of her!
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