The man on the ladder is Les
He is a magic man
For the last 10 years he has organised and run the village fair
During this time he also organised an early summer fairs several times and also the Christmas event in the heart of the village when the roads are closed and lots of fun was had and socialising done.
Now he has cut back to just doing the Christmas Lights but when he has finished they are the best lights in the area by far
Jacky, Les's wife, is a talented "Foot and Mouth" artist, we have one of her pictures on our walls.
One other thing about Les, he always wears shorts, no matter what the weather. This habit made some of the other ladder shots inappropriate for BLIP
This could be the last year I am here to be involved in the lights. However Les will still have my email address so he will still summon me and to be honest I do find it very amusing so maybe next year??.

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