the other one

By theotherone

this piece is called a packed bag.

this is the other one's bag. he might enter this as a piece of modern art for turner prize. the other one has a low opinion of modern art he is probably a philistine.

it is packed for he is off on tour tomorrow - the other one takes children's authors around schools in scotland.

one could argue that its nae the most inspiring picture but the other one believs that it conveys the excitement of seeing new lands and educating young minds, that and he forgot to take a picture of his beautiful butternut squash pizza that he made and he wasnt brave enough to take it to his debut sunday league football match (lost 9-0).

but this tour has occupied the other one's mind all evening, he has had a shave, looked out smart threads for the morning, packed his bag and more than likely forgot at least two things.

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