In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Toffee apples

A first attempt at toffee apples.
I wanted to try to make them really more than I wanted to eat them. Like a large Starbucks cappucino, often the reality of toffee apples doesn't live up to the sensory promise. It's more the nostalgia of the funfair or the festival than the actual taste you are buying, or the idea of the intangible comfort of a hot frothy cup of milky coffee in the case of the starbucks.
Anyway, in quest of the childhood kodak (or should I say blip!) moment for Mairi too, I got online looking for a recipe. Toffee apples, caramel apples, candy apples, the world has it's variants names, but it also seems there are many different types of recipe under each heading.
After much obsessing, I went with the BBC, as having the highest chance of being what I remembered from my British childhood.
I chose not to make them red, to enhance the caramel idea.
Let's just say that as you can see, these were definitely the toffiest of toffee apples you can get. Not for those with loose teeth or fillings by any means.
No-one had anything loose at the start today, but I did feel like my jaw had been well exercised by the end of one. Could have posted the tray full of perfect glossy apples or the cellophane wrapped Martha versions, but this was the defining memory of today, and of the toffee apples, so there you are......

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