Repairs to Earl Grey

We are at Ken's Farm this weekend which gives me a chance to do some work on my Land Rover. Today we took off the generator and fixed the bushes, changed one of the wheels for a tyre with slightly more tread, and fixed the windscreen wiper motor.

Thesad thing is that I can't really drive around the property because it has been so wet here that most of the country is a bog.

Instead, late this afternoon Me and Ken went for a walk in out gum boots. It was drizzling and windy, not particularly nice weather but not too bad. I took the rifle in the hope that we might get a wild pig or two. Well we saw a pig but sadly it was down wind of us and bolted before I could get a shot off. So I might go for a walk again tomorrow morning.

I am making roast lamb for dinner with veg, gravy and a home baked loaf of bread.
It smells great right now.

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