without becoming pictures

By lani

Tupperware glacier

This is Shark, a reluctant stowaway originally from Mystic. Her personality is vaguely curmudgeonly, which she's adopted to compensate for her unmistakably ill-camouflaged hue. Not that she has much in the way of predatorial threat from such habitat-mates as frozen blackberries, but she's not the type to listen to reason.

She's facepalming tonight mostly in response to my mood, which is decidedly down as I got the official "we regret to inform you" email that yesterday's blip may have predicted. She's also decidedly impatient with the absolute high bursts of love I felt after hanging up the phone with the kid whose gift she was, and grabbing and squeezing her as a tiny proxy for him.

15 days, girlie, and you get the whole room to yourself. Try to be patient. And watch out for the blackberries.

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