My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute


I didn't expect my Week 8 to be this busy--I really didn't! So imagine my surprise when I found out how SWAMPED I was when I realized how many obligations I had. Geez Louise!

But I like it. I like staying busy and that there are things for me to do every day. It's what keeps me going and gives me stuff to look forward to.

This is the Humanities Courtyard (I made up that name). It's between the Humanities Hall (where...for some reason I have NO classes this quarter despite being an English major) and the Murray Kreiger Hall (where they have all the offices).

This morning I woke up and helped log and capture footage from yesterday's shoot. Then I registered for classes (after nearly forgetting) and I had to do it all by memory because I left my schedule at home.

It's my parents' 24th anniversary today! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to them!!!!!!!!! *round of applause*

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