
By dsyglsy

ballet madness

the girls warm up before their ballet class...basically by going berserk in the changing room until the jolly teacher arrives at the door to take them away upstairs to the hall... it's a riot - a pale pink riot and it gets very noisy. this time round though I don't mind the riot. when beth went to ballet, I found the whole ordeal very stressful indeed, with two wee ones in tow trying to keep an eye on daisy whilst getting beth changed, shoogling the pram to keep baby peg from crying and the riot going on in the background. it was hell...but now I have no babes in tow except my two older ones who sit still, don't run away and don't cry (well in this case anyway). I can see other mums struggling with the whole thing...and I sit back and enjoy watching peggy having an ace time rioting.

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