Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

I went out early this morning down to the boardwalk and took some shots of the boats there. It was cold and I just couldn't get the right angle on my shots. So, it was getting later and I headed to work. I had to take a different road, because there had been a fire on the street where I work and the traffic had been detoured around it. A pizza parlor burned down that has been around here for years and years, how sad.

Anyway, as I got closer to work I noticed a rainbow in the sky. I could only see part of it, and I got so excited, I could hardly concentrate on my driving. As I got on the site, I stopped to take a few shot, but again, my angle was just not right. As I drove into the parking lot, there it was, the complete rainbow; and a double one at that. I quickly parked, jumped out, and started snapping photos. People were driving in, driving around me, and wondering what I was doing. A few people said "Oh you have your camera; what a beautiful rainbow".

As I was taking shots, I hardly noticed that the raindrops started coming down. I can really see it in some of my shots, as I look at them on the computer. Fortunately, I was able to get some without raindrops.

Happy Friday tomorrow. I will be off all next week. Whoopee!

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